Monday, October 31, 2011

Fort Marlborough

Have you ever heard about Bengkulu? Do you know about it? I propose you to visit it, because Bengkulu is one of the provinces in Indonesia which have so many beautiful tourism objects. Bengkulu has many beautiful places to be visited; such as Pantai Panjang, Tapak Paderi and Fort Marlborough. These places are beautiful and very interesting. They are appropriate to be visited while spending your happy holiday.
Fort Marlborough
Lets explore Fort Marlborough. It is a unique heritage in Bengkulu. It has historical value as an ancient building. In the British Colonial Age, it was built by Englishman army and it was used as the defense from the enemy attacks. This building was constructed by using solid materials.
It is located in a strategic place near Pantai Panjang. To go inside of this historical building, you just need to pay about Rp. 5.000,-. This fort is exactly located on the West of Bengkulu town. With beautiful scenery around it, you may enjoy Pantai Panjang Beach from the top of the fort.

Inside of the building, you can find some old historical photographs which describe about the early form of this building. There are also some photographs of governor Thomas Stanford Raffles, and other photographs related to the history of Bengkulu and of course this building. You may also find the old cannons and mortars, three old graves, and old prisons in it. The largest part in the middle of this building is now designed as a beautiful garden.
The access to the Fort Marlborough is quiet easy. You can use motorcycles or public transportations to reach this place. You will easily to find a lot of public transportation along Bengkulu City.

So, what are you waiting for? Just make a plan to come to Bengkulu and visit Fort Marlborough. People will say you know nothing about Bengkulu if you have not been visiting this amazing fort yet.

Thanks to my friends:
Andre Ido Frayogi
Herru Chandra Pratama

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