Friday, October 28, 2011


1.     Procedure text
Procedure text is the text which describes how something is accomplished through some sequence of actions or steps so the students will easier do that job. In the text of procedure, there are a lot of steps or instructions to do to make something and the instruction explains systematically and usually in imperative sentence and uses simple present tense in order that the readers understands what something should do. Procedure text is really important for people, it always appears in the pack of foods or in the pack of the electronic goods, by comprehending the instructions, people can operate the electronics correctly.

Based on the social function of this text, procedure text has three different types, recipes give the information how to make or to do something, second on is games instructions give the information about the rule of the game.
The last is scientific experiment gives the information about steps to do experiment.
As a kind of genre, procedure text also has generic structure or schematic structure and language feature. Generic structure is contained by goal (something that will be done) materials needed for completing the procedure, this may be a list, paragraph. A sequence of steps in the correct order, the steps usually uses numbers to show the steps, for example first, second, third and so on.
Procedure text usually uses imperative sentence or verb action such as add, rotate, pour the water and so on, and adverb of manner such as directly, slowly, carefully, orderly, correctly etc.
Pictures are able to develop student speaking skill and the writer would like to give suggestions in correlation with teaching procedure text.
1. The use of pictures in teaching procedure text should be taken into account as any teaching strategies. It should be use appropriately an effectively.
2. When selecting a picture, some points should be kept in mind. The colored pictures are more effective than black and white ones and can be use for many purpose, the picture should tell the learner something familiar to connect it with real life.
3. Teaching speaking procedure text through pictures needs to be implemented and used in a consistent manner so those students could take the benefit the process and facilitate their learning.

Speaking Procedure text
Speaking procedure text is making the steps or instruction orally in doing or making something. As stated above procedure text has function that is giving information for listeners about the action steps and instructions how something is able to be accomplished.
Every kind of text must have the generic structure and grammatical features. Rudi Hartono stated in his book “Schematic structure is the distinctive beginning-middle-end structure of genre” (2005:5). Before telling procedure text, it is better for the speaker to recognize schematic or generic structure of the text it’s self. The first the speakers should have to goal. It can be the title of the text for example.“ Mushroom soup, here is recipe you need to make Mushroom soup. And the second is to decide the material, because it is really necessary for procedure text as Anderson mark stated.“ Materials are needed for completing the procedure, this may be a list, this may be a paragraph, this may be left out in some procedures.” (2007:29).
Materials are important for completing the text it can be ingredients or some equipment to do something. If we decided the goal to make Mushroom soup, the material needed are : 12 ounces mushroom, 4 eggs yolks, ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg, 2 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 ½ teaspoon salt, 6 teaspoons cream, ¼ teaspoon pepper, 2 point chicken stock.
The last steps are the instructions command to achieve the goal. The steps to make Mushroom soup are as following:
1. Prepare mushroom and place in frying pan with melted butter
2. Cover and cook for 10 minutes and stock
3. Season with salt, a paper and nutmeg
4. Bring to boil and then simmer for 30 minutes
5. Sieve and blend until smooth, with remaining ingredients
6. Return to pan and heat. Remove pan from stove and cool
7. Add beaten egg yolk and cream, stirring gently. Do not boil
8. Garnish with chopped parsley and serve

2. Pictures as Teaching Aids
Process of teaching has three main components. The components are teachers, students and instructional material, the two other components that are not the main ones, but those are very important, namely: paces and instructional which is very necessary for delivering the massage and information which is conveyed by teacher. A good teacher should have a great deal of knowledge in using teaching aids when they are teaching, teacher also had better know any kind of teaching aids or media in order that their activity are more effective.
The use of teacher aids in the class is able to entertain during teaching learning process, thus teacher had better apply teaching aids so the situation in the class is more enjoyable and motivate students to study and complete their knowledge.
3. Teaching Speaking Procedure text through pictures
Pictures are common thing in our daily life, they can be found everywhere. Pictures are able to give a lot of information as reading text, so they are a great help in teaching, particularly in teaching procedure text.
Pictures are kind of pictures as visual aids. The pictures are able to give information about the instructions in speaking procedure text, though by looking at the pictures students are easier to tell the materials and the steps, and also pictures can develop students’ ideas in speaking procedure text. The pictures are drawn on a paper which tells a sequence of events, so they will lead speakers to develop their idea and speak the procedure orderly.
Basically, there are three steps in teaching procedure text. They are pre-activity, while activity and post activity. Each of steps has different activities in teaching.
a.                  Pre activity
Before teaching, the teacher does what we call pre activity. Teacher do apperception such as ask any questions related to the material and ask some questions related to the previous material. Then, the teachers give motivation in order that students have more motivation in studying.
b.                  While Activity
The teachers explain everything about the procedure text and give some examples about how to speak procedure text by using pictures. The teacher gives some pictures to the students as visual aids. Then, the students asked to speak a procedure text about how to make mushroom soup systematically by looking at pictures included.
c.                   Post activity
The teacher gives a conclusion about the aim and the advantages of procedure text in daily life.

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