Tuesday, October 25, 2011

About Secondary Education

From Melissa Kelly, your Guide to Secondary Education
This week we focus on what makes a classroom well-managed. You can walk into the room of an effective teacher and you will know that they are giving their students the greatest chance for success if the students are engaged, on task, and organized.

How can you tell if a classroom is well-managed? 
How can a visitor to a classroom tell if a classroom is well-managed and effective? There are some key indicators that you can use as a benchmark for your own... Read more

Vouchers and Public Education 
Do vouchers betray public education? Typically, the arguments for vouchers focus on the failures of public education. However, these arguments ignore some of the real issues that public schools face.... Read more

Collecting Homework 
Teaching is as much about the day-to-day instruction as it is about mastering daily housekeeping routines. Collecting homework is one part of daily classroom management that can cause many teachers problems.... Read more

Issues in Education 
Many issues surround public and private education including increasing school violence, rural schools, social promotion, and student accommodations. The information provided here can help provide insight and information about these issues and more.


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More from About.com
Food and Mood 
Indulging a sweet tooth can cause weight gain, guilt and even worsen depression. Here are a few expert tips to help you resist.

Carb Cravings 
Ever wondered why you crave carbs (or chocolate and sugar) when you're depressed? Some scientists say it may be chemical.

This newsletter is written by: 
Melissa Kelly 
Secondary Education Guide

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