Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Get my ducks in a row"

ENGLISH IDIOM OF THE WEEK A native speaker expression

"Get my ducks in a row"

Do you know what it means to have all your ducks in a row?

To ”get my ducks in a row” means to get everything ready. It is used when you have a big task with many parts to complete. 
“I want to do a study abroad in New Zealand. I have to get my passport ready, and my VISA, and apply to some schools before the deadline next month. I have to get all my ducks in a row!”

Exciting English events online at Languagelab.comLANGUAGE CHAMPIONS! 
This online English quiz is a fun opportunity to practise your English with fellow students. Challenge your friends and test your knowledge of the English language. There are prizes for the winners!

Every quiz is different. Topics could include grammar, general knowledge and questions about English City, Languagelab's virtual city designed for teaching English. 

Every Thursday, 10pm London time

 Students competing in Language Champions in Languagelab's virtual English City

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